Home » 2015 » A Year of Blogging

A Year of Blogging

Today marks my First Anniversary here in WordPress!

I can not believe that it has already been a year!


Photo credit: www.astraone.com

I just want to say thank you for being a friend to me on this journey.

I thank words for helping me express my thoughts and emotions

                     and for keeping my sanity,

                      deepening my appreciation for life

I hope I have inspired someone along the way. This would really make me happy.


Photo credit: www.clipartsheep.com

I will continue to write as long as I can for words will surely live longer than me.

Words last forever.

I want my children, grandchildren, my descendants, family and friends to have a glimpse of who I am.

Something that my ancestors did not have. Yes, I see some of their photos or I know them by name.

But with words, it goes beyond that.


For now, continue to live life. Be inspired. Embrace it and all the people who journey with us.


God bless us all : )

20 thoughts on “A Year of Blogging

    • Thank you. I just told Supreet I am just very glad to meet beautiful souls through blogging. You guys have been around constantly. Thank you from my heart. I hope you’re enjoying your journey!!!! Wishing to have more time reading. You will hear from me as well. : )


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