Home » 2016blogpost » The Bird Who Can’t Fly – Part Two

The Bird Who Can’t Fly – Part Two

Yesterday afternoon, we let baby bird out. We were all hoping that he would fly away. Unfortunately it was still the same. It just stood there in front of us. He can’t fly.

Before night-time, we put it again in the little open box. We secured it making sure no predators could get it. I was alarmed since I saw a big cat and a rat somewhere on the wall. We live by the park so those creatures are free to go on the other side of the fence.

It was fun yesterday. My kids loved the baby bird. I took some photos of it. It is so adorable. Such a sweet little creation of God. We have been wishing that it will just be strong to fly high and be with its family.

This morning, I went to check on him but he was gone. The little baby bird was lying down with eyes closed. I could not look any more. I cried. I just realized the reason why I refuse to have pets. I am afraid of this feeling of loss. It reminded me of my Dad in the hospital. We gave him everything he needed to get better. The most expensive medicines each day. No matter how much you try to save the life, death is inevitable if the body is weak. It is just really extending the life. I just find it a comfort that at least the big cat, opossum, and rat did not get it.

I did not take a photo of it lifeless. I just want to  keep the good memories although they were short. Just like how I stopped and avoided looking at my Dad’s photos in the hospital.

Life is precious. It is a gift. Life is short. Enjoy each moment. Love with all your heart.

Here is the video I took of our baby bird the first day we found it. Bye baby bird… : (



13 thoughts on “The Bird Who Can’t Fly – Part Two

  1. It sounds like he’s calling out, “I’m here!” Where are all those other birds when you need them anyway?
    We’ve never been able to save a baby bird. I know the feeling when they just give up and die.

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  2. Khris,
    Sorry for the loss of your little friend. How precious life is in that even God knows when one sparrow falls to the ground. He knows and blesses you for your effort and care for one of the least of His creatures. Imagine how great that blessing is when shown to His most coveted; men, women and children.
    We only know what love is when we experience the loss of the object of that love.

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    • Now that I have aged I have come to know death and that is the event that I am most afraid of. I have never been afraid of it before but now that I am attached to the people I love and scared of the unknown. I guess it will take time to have the courage to accept it as part of living. Thank you Alan for always sharing your wisdom. Your words help a lot. May God bless you more! I am happy to have you here around!

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      • Walter Payton was a star running back for the Chicago Bears. He was tough as nails. Nothing on the playing field ever caused him fear. His career and life were cut short by liver cancer. A reporter asked him as he approached the end of his trial with cancer if he was frightened to die. He thought briefly and said: “Yes I am, I never died before.” And isn’t that true of anything in life that we face for the first time. Our fear can be diminished by those who we love who have gone before us. We know them and we now know that we will only do what our loved ones have already done. And we have a God who also went before us all. He suffered all our fears and removed the sting of death because He did what He came here to do. He overcame death then, now and forever. Believe in Him, have faith and fear not.

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