Home » 2015 » Social Media Or Not

Social Media Or Not

I am a very private person. I guess it is my personality. I was born like it. In addition, I believe the “bringing up” factor counts since my father was a lawyer/agent so we were taught (indirectly) not to be too trusting with the surroundings, with people/strangers. Be more vigilant and careful especially growing up in the Philippines.

I deactivated my Facebook account because I felt it was too much, too social. In fairness, Facebook helps you quickly reach out to anyone since a lot of people are practically using it. Anyway I survived not using it for more than a year now and I felt happier.

Honestly, I was hesitant putting up personal photos here or even my real name. However, I thought that if people want to truly see and feel my messages or my sincerity, there should be honesty. Some personal touch.Β  So I decided to put my name on it. Added my photo on the profile. On the 8th month of actively blogging, I posted a personal photo. Hooray!

I know that there are advantages and disadvantages of using social media. I am hesitant but at the back of my head I am thinking that if you really want to connect to people, you have to share a part of you (while still being careful, while still protecting your privacy).

I only have WordPress and Instagram to connect to you. I am already happy with these 2. You can add me up if you are using Instagram! khris_79!

Have a great week guys!!!!

27 thoughts on “Social Media Or Not

  1. Khristine

    I also gave up Facebook, but, it really doesn’t matter much; if someone wants to get information, on anyone, it can be done. The NSA is doing it every day, for example…

    That said, one does what one can, then, as you say, you have to give up a degree of security in order to make contact with people…

    My only real outlet online is my blog; I also am on Twitter, but, only post there perhaps once or twice a week, other than posting the blog. I’m not in any other social media any more, since communicating via email, chat, IM, or Skype is more than enough opportunity to talk with ffolkes in real time….

    Good post; sounds like you have some common sense, which, after all, isn’t all that common, is it? If it was, the world would be a very different place….

    gigoid, the dubious


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  2. Social media drains a lot of energy and time. Besides the interaction between people in social media is illusory and meaningless. The blog is somewhat different because basically is something between a personal diary, journalism and having a website. You did well to get rid of Facebook. One of the problems of the internet is that it can be useful but it complicates life and in the case of Facebook Twitter etcetera it distances its users from interacting with people face to face. The solution is to keep internet activities as simple as possible. Do just what it’s useful and rewarding.

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  3. i have been following you for the wonderful positive messages you convey .
    love reading your stuff. now with your permission i would like to add you to instagram . i also don not have facebook acc since im also little private person and do not like sharing too much personal stuff.
    but yeah m very happy without it

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am of the open book mentality, but I feel that I have to be honest if I want to help others. What you see is what you get. I do highlight any of my family or friends though, Just me. I use Facebook as a way to foster my blogs.

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  5. I cut out instagram recently or I’d have followed you πŸ˜‰ Facebook these days is only for posting blog links πŸ˜›
    Social media for me is out and out WordPress!

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    • It is okay, based on my experience, less is better. It depends on the person. I guess that is my nature. If someone is really extrovert, I am sure they do not mind at all being in all social media! : ) Whatever works for us. We have WordPress, this is a very good way of connecting to people! : )


  6. Thefalsemike is now following you on instagram. We should always be careful with social media. Some people post shit on there that the world should not see or know about. Keep on blogging in a free world – The False Prophet

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