Irresistable Beauty!

My husband knows that I do this a lot of times. Wherever we are, whatever we do, if I see something that is really beautiful, I stop and take pictures.

I love taking photos even if I am not included in it most of the times. I take photos of the beautiful places, things, and people I see (most of the time my kids).

I do not know what to do with my thousands of photos stored in my computer. My husband asked me what if it all got wiped out? I said I would really be devastated since I collect my memories (especially of my children) through photos and I regard it as one of my most valued possessions.

My husband backs it up in some program. I am obviously so ignorant with “techie” stuff. I just like taking photos and save them. I know what to do already once I retire and have nothing much else to do. My major project is to sort out all the pictures I have collected in my life. Maybe make a website for it and at the same time print them all out and make my albums.

Is that going to be for me? A good question. Maybe it will bring me joy to look at the past through the photos while I am alive. Hopefully my children will see how much they have been loved. Pass it on to their future children and grand children.

Okay, I am thinking too much forward again.

I dropped by to share some beautiful things I saw today and this week. I hope they inspire somebody. It is a beautiful world out there. May we find peace in our hearts. And joy as well!!!

I saw this when we were walking by the church. They have pretty flowers around.


This was from the church too.


Saw this street full of Jacaranda trees. I took this during a morning walk with my hubby last Friday.


Still from the morning walk…


Just before I post this blog, I was doing chores when I noticed this from my window.

The bright red flower was in the midst of the white roses and it intrigued me.

I went closer to see and investigated. I found out it belonged to a different plant beside the white roses.

I said how beautiful!


Then I took this photo. I love the rays of the sun.

I see God.

I see light.

I see beauty

I see life.
